First of all, thank you for considering us as a care provider! We will do our best to provide comprehensive information for your health care decisions.
When you check in at our reception desk, you'll be asked to fill out a medical history and patient registration form if you haven't done so.
Click here to download New Patient forms. Once the paperwork portion is filled out, it should be a short wait until your exam.
One of our knowledgeable assistants will then escort you back to an exam room. They'll go over your medical history and take your blood pressure.
Either Dr. Paul Johnson or Dr. Zack Krei will then sit down and visit with you about your concerns. Afterwards, measurements will be taken in order to diagnose your particular situation. If you're being seen for periodontal disease, bone loss or other soft tissue concerns, this may include gentle probing in the affected areas. These probing depths are recorded in order to get a comprehensive picture of what is happening in your mouth. X-rays or a scan may also be taken if necessary.
Once the diagnostics are recorded, your individualized treatment plan will be mapped out by the doctor and any further questions will be answered. At this point, one of our consultants will then visit with you to schedule the necessary appointments and go over your insurance or financial options.
As always, you are welcome to call our office at any time for further questions. Thank you again for choosing us for your oral health needs.